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Vorlagenprogrammierung Diskussionen Lua Unterseiten
Modul Deutsch English

Modul: Dokumentation
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Vorlog:LuaModuleDoc – Module for support of Template:LuaModuleDoc, and doing the major work of Lua module documentation.

On all the related documentation pages Template:LuaModuleDoc is transcluded. That one provides the project and language specific adaptions.

  • The first (three) optional template parameters also pass through some page specific adaptions, if necessary.

Functions for templates

[Am Gwëntext werkeln]
Generate linkbox text.
  • On the central documentation page also
    • transclusion of first detected language version
    • transclusion of assistance for template transclusion (if not noHint)
    • category, with sort code (if not noCat).
(optional; for the current page)
Space separated list of explicitly requested language codes.
  • If not provided, show all from standard: langsDefault.
  • If defined, prepend all existing from langsDefault.
(optional; for the current page; any non-empty value)
Suppress categorisation of base documentation page.
(optional; for the current page; any non-empty value)
Suppress assistance for template transclusion after base documentation.
Title of existing category for base documentation.
Space separated list of general language codes.
Order of codes does not matter.
Space separated list of additional language codes, completing langsDefault, for which pages will be searched.
Only such codes can be displayed in the presentation.
Order of codes does not matter.
May be empty or undefined.
Number of namespace for documentation pages.
Title of base documentation page.
Name of page for error message display.
Name of page for navigation box.
Name of page for template transclusion assistance.
Name of subpage for tests.
Might be provided with uppercase letters; will be searched in lowercase as well.
Default: Test

Parameter deutschsprachige Wikipedia
categoryDocs Wikipedia:Lua/Modul
categoryWikiData Wikipedia:Lua/Modul/Global via WikiData
categoryWikiDataChild Wikipedia:Lua/Modul/Global via WikiData/Kind
categoryWikiDataParent Wikipedia:Lua/Modul/Global via WikiData/Mutter
categoryWikiDataReplication Wikipedia:Lua/Modul/Global via WikiData/Abgleich
langsDefault de en
langsMore dsb eo fr hsb
nsDocs 4
pageDocRoot Lua/Modul
pageErr Wikipedia:Lua/Modul-Navigationsfehler
pageNav Vorlage:LuaModuleDoc/Navigation
pageTemplateInsert Wikipedia:Lua/Vorlagenprogrammierung
preloadCentral Vorlage:LuaModuleDoc/preload-central
preloadRedir Vorlage:LuaModuleDoc/preload-redir
subTest Test
templateGlobal LuaModuleDoc/Global

Nowhere than by Template:LuaModuleDoc.


[Am Gwëntext werkeln]

Exporting into other Wiki

[Am Gwëntext werkeln]
  1. Import the following pages into your project (this keeps version history and credits):
  2. Create files similar to the following, translate and adapt as you like:
  3. Edit your version of Template:LuaModuleDoc and adjust the settings to your needs.
  4. Create description page for categoryDocs if you want to categorize.