
This is a page for non-Bavarian speakers to discuss anything related to the Bavarian Wikipedia.
You can also request assistance for your works on the Bavarian Wikipedia.
(See also: WP:Local Village Pump)

Des is de Botschofd vo da Boarischn Wikipedia.
Welcome to the embassy of the Austro-Bavarian Wikipedia! This page is for discussing Wikipedia-related multilingual coordination. If you have any announcements or questions regarding international issues or the Austro-Bavarian Wikipedia, you are invited to post them here or to the Talk page for this article. |
Griassde, Servus, Hawedere in da Botschofd vo da Boarischn Wikipedia! Wensd Frogn oda Okindigunga zua internationaln Themen oda zua Boarischn Wikipedia hosd, nach konsd de do oda af da Dischkriaseitn vo da Botschofd eineschreim. |
Willkommen in der Botschaft der austro-bairischen Wikipedia. Fragen und Vorschläge zu internationalen Themen können hier oder auf der Diskussionsseite zur Botschaft gepostet werden. |
Help for International Users
[Am Gwëntext werkeln]Who can help me? - Wea ko ma häifa? - Wer kann mir helfen?
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